

The latest news about Turbocraft

"Buehler Turbocraft unveiled the SILVERFIN - "The Pocket-size Luxury Explorer Yacht

René, the "captain" of the luxury yacht blog "Yachtemoceans" writes a superb article about the relaunch of the Turbocraft brand, the beautiful heritage behind the brand and the innovation behind the Silverfin model.

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"Il nuovo 12 metri di Turbocraft è un piccolo explorer di lusso (ma non solo)"

The Italian boating magazine "BarcaeMotore" wrote a splendid piece of article about the launch of our Silverfin model. Thank you guys, we love it!! (Article in Italian)

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"Silverfin, un "explorer de poche" qui signe le renouveau de la marque Turbocraft"

The French online boating magazine "" wrote a splendid piece of article about the launch of our Silverfin model. A big thank for your interest and enthusiasm (Article in French)

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"Turbocraft : le retour d'une légende"

The French online boating magazine Voil et Moteur wrote a splendid piece of article about the launch of our Silverfin model. A big thank for your interest and enthusiasm (Article in French)

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"Boat International's Guide to the finest boats between 12 and 24 meters"

WooooW! Turbocraft's Silverfin has been selected to be featured in Boat International's guide to the best motorcrafts. What an honour, thank you guys.

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